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How to Use an International Address Validation API

If you need to validate addresses in more than one country, an international address validation API can help you. There are several benefits to using an address validation API, including increased accuracy, reduced wastage, and high-quality global data. As more businesses grow worldwide, international address validation APIs can help them build a stronger global base. By allowing you to access millions of addresses across 240 countries, an address validation API can improve your company's global reach.

When using an API, you should pay attention to the data that is returned. The address validation process begins with the normalization of the address. After the input address is normalized, the API will attempt to find an address that matches known reference data. If there is no postal code for the country, a state code will suffice. In addition, the API will attempt to normalize input addresses, such as by replacing common roadway identifiers with standard abbreviations or by reordering the various elements of an address.

To ensure the data is valid, international address validation technology must follow local formatting rules. Most countries do not use a delivery point validation system. For instance, in Japan, the postal code comes first, followed by the street name. In France, the building number is listed before the street name, while German forms ask for street names and academic titles. The format of an address is essential for a better user experience. If a customer has to enter an address from a different country, they may want to provide customized checkout messaging.




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