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Best Address Lookup APIs

There are many options for address lookup APIs. Each provider has its own strengths and weaknesses, and you may want to consider one or more of them for your address lookup needs. Listed below are the best address lookup APIs:

The first place to look for address lookup APIs is the ProgrammableWeb directory. This directory lists over 1,000 address lookup services from dozens of companies. You can search for the one that suits your needs and your budget. A good address lookup API will give you access to data on people and businesses across the world. There are also many countries that have official address databases. The USPS, for example, manages its own database.

A second option is Postcoder, which provides an ultra-fast address lookup service. It also offers free technical support, and access to the largest address data sources. Postcoder can also be used with leading shopping cart solutions. Google's address lookup service is also free, but you cannot use the Royal Mail database. These two options are not ideal for address lookup, but they may be sufficient. If you're building an address-based application, use an address lookup API from either of these providers.

Google's address lookup API has a few problems. Not all of the addresses are valid. There are many errors when using this API and it's crucial to check the details. If the data are not accurate, the results will not be accurate. This makes the best address lookup API an essential component of any application. If you're going to be doing address lookups on a regular basis, make sure you choose a service with accurate data.




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